From 8 untill 12 November we had a project meeting in Belgium.We all arrived well on Tuesday and got to learn some Belgian beers this first evening.
After the flight from home, it was a very pleasant welcome for all of us!
The Belgian partners have provided a map of activities extremely well organized: reception, school visits, workshops, cultural visits and also for leisure. .We didn’t know this was going to be a starter of a culinary week.

Wednesday we visited the classes of out Belgian partner. There are a lot differences between Belgium and our countries!
It was very nice to see how they manage their classes, what they learn and how classes are arranged .We have been given the oppurtunity to observe the educational component, teaching curricula and cultural levels of education
We took some time to evaluate the last activity (stories) and to prepare our next one (food). In meetings, we appreciated the good work dynamic and enormous capacity for communication, planning, sharing and evaluation that went beyond the language barrier.We discussed how did we implement the last activity planned,.and evaluate all the work previously done.It was known by all his colleagues, the interest and commitment shown throughout the work in this period, which meant that the goals were easily achieved We are all very satisfied with watch we agreed to… You will see in school! ...For now... Let´s do the cooking !In the afternoon we had a guided tour through Aalst, given by a known person in the town of Aalst. He was very humoristic and told us a lot about the history of this wonderful city. The tour ended with an official reception in the townhall by the council of education of Aalst.
On Thursday we met the Belgian Sainte Claus with his helper ‘zwarte Piet’. It was very different as the one we know.
All the children of the school performed for Sainte Claus, but also a bit for us! It was very nice, we appreciated it a lot!Afterwards we had some time to ask some more things at the teachers of Basisschool Park!
On the last day of our stay, we started immediately with the meeting. Some very important things had to be decided for our big finale of the project. The WOW-Europe day!
After a couple of hours of working we went to visit Gent together.
Gent is a wonderful city with a big history. We also ate a typical Gent dish called Waterzooi!
Our guide was very enthusiastic and loved ‘his’ town like no-one else!To end our project meeting in a nice way, the teachers from Basisschool Park, prepared a nice WinterBBQ! It was atmospheric with the baskets of burning wood all around.
We ate well and went back to the hotel, for the last time, because Saturday it was time to go back home again!
It was a nice experience!
Our hosts were extremely friendly, courteous and hospitable, whith a great sense of responsibility for the development of a work of this size.
Some pictures can be found here!